Source code for ignite_simple.dispatcher

"""This package handles accepting a list of jobs and then deciding which of
them to run in what order.

This module is intended for use by the analysis module for managing all the
jobs it has to do. The analysis package tends to have many jobs are all fairly
independent of each other. Things like rq and celery are way over-engineered
for this task.
import typing
import importlib
import time
import multiprocessing as mp
import logging
from queue import Empty
from pympanim.zeromqqueue import ZeroMQQueue
import traceback
from sortedcontainers import SortedList
import logging.config
import os

[docs]class Task: """A description of a task. :ivar str module: the name of the module which contains the callable :ivar str attrname: the name of the attribute within the module :ivar tuple args: the arguments to pass to the callable :ivar dict kwargs: the keyword arguments to pass to the callable :ivar optional[int] cores: the number of cores this task will use, None for all cores :ivar optional[callable] callback: an optional callback for when this task completes, not sent over. The callback is invoked on the main thread """ def __init__(self, module: str, attrname: str, args: tuple, kwargs: dict, cores: typing.Optional[int], callback: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None): self.module = module self.attrname = attrname self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.cores = cores self.callback = callback def worker_version(self) -> 'Task': if self.callback is None: return self return Task(self.module, self.attrname, self.args, self.kwargs, self.cores) def __str__(self): return f'{self.module}.{self.attrname}(*{self.args}, **{self.kwargs}) [cores={self.cores}]'
[docs]class TaskQueue: """An interface for something which is capable of returning the next task to perform based on the number of available cores. """
[docs] def set_total_cores(self, total_cores: int) -> None: """Clips the maximum number of cores that each task requires to not exceed total_cores. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_next_task(self, cores: int) -> typing.Optional[Task]: """Gets the next task to perform given that there are the specified number of cores available. The resulting Task should require fewer than the number of cores available. May return None if there are no tasks which meet the requirements to do. :param cores: the number of cores available :type cores: int :return: the task to start work on, None if no task available yet :rtype: typing.Optional[Task] """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def have_more_tasks(self) -> bool: """Returns True if there is at least one more task to do, and returns False if there are no more tasks to do """ raise NotImplementedError
def __len__(self) -> int: """An estimate for how many tasks remain in this queue.""" return float('inf')
[docs]class GreedyTaskQueue(TaskQueue): """Describes a greedy task queue, which prioritizes tasks with the highest number of cores. :ivar int total_cores: if the cores on a task is None, we assume it is going to require this many cores. :ivar dict[int, list[Task]] tasks_by_core: a lookup for remaining tasks, where the key is the number of cores the task requires. :ivar SortedList[int] sorted_keys: the keys for tasks_by_core in ascending order. :ivar bool expecting_more_tasks: if True, we expect that add_task will be called in the (near) future, hence we always return True from have_more_tasks :ivar int _len: the length of this queue """ def __init__(self, total_cores: int): """Initializes an empty task queue.""" self.total_cores = total_cores self.tasks_by_core = dict() self.sorted_keys = SortedList() self.expecting_more_tasks = False self._len = 0
[docs] def flatten(self) -> typing.List[Task]: """Returns this task queue as a list of tasks. """ res = [] for v in self.tasks_by_core.values(): res.extend(v) return res
[docs] def set_total_cores(self, total_cores): old_total = self.total_cores self.total_cores = total_cores if len(self.sorted_keys) == 0: return if old_total < total_cores: flat = self.flatten() self.sorted_keys = SortedList() self.tasks_by_core = dict() self._len = 0 self.add_tasks(flat) return arrs = [] while self.sorted_keys[-1] > self.total_cores: k = self.sorted_keys.pop() arrs.append(self.tasks_by_core[k]) del self.tasks_by_core[k] if not self.sorted_keys: self.sorted_keys.append(self.total_cores) self.tasks_by_core[self.total_cores] = [] last = self.tasks_by_core[self.sorted_keys[-1]] for arr in arrs: last.extend(arr)
[docs] def add_task(self, task: Task) -> None: """Adds the given task to this queue.""" cores_req = self.total_cores if task.cores is not None: cores_req = min(task.cores, self.total_cores) arr = self.tasks_by_core.get(cores_req) if arr is None: arr = [] self.tasks_by_core[cores_req] = arr self.sorted_keys.add(cores_req) arr.append(task) self._len += 1
[docs] def add_tasks(self, tasks: typing.Iterable[Task]) -> None: """Adds all the specified tasks to this queue.""" for task in tasks: self.add_task(task)
[docs] def get_next_task(self, cores: int): prev = None for k in self.sorted_keys: if k > cores: break prev = k if prev is None: return None arr = self.tasks_by_core[prev] res = arr.pop() self._len -= 1 if not arr: del self.tasks_by_core[prev] self.sorted_keys.remove(prev) return res
[docs] def have_more_tasks(self): return not self.expecting_more_tasks and len(self.sorted_keys) > 0
def __len__(self): return self._len
[docs]class MainToWorkerConnection: """Describes a connection from the main process to the worker process :ivar Process process: the actual worker process :ivar ZeroMQQueue jobq: the queue that jobs can be sent through to this worker :ivar ZeroMQQueue ackq: the queue that the worker sends job completed notifications through :ivar optional[int] cores: the number of cores that this worker is currently using, or None if the worker is not doing anything right now :ivar optional[callable] callback: a callback function which will be invoked when the current task completes, or None if there is no current task or no callback registered :ivar float sleep_delay: the current sleep delay for this worker """ def __init__(self, proc: mp.Process, jobq: ZeroMQQueue, ackq: ZeroMQQueue, sleep_delay: float): self.process = proc self.jobq = jobq self.ackq = ackq self.cores = None self.callback = None self.sleep_delay = sleep_delay
[docs] def send(self, task: Task): """Tells the worker to perform the given task. :param task: the task to perform """ if self.cores: raise ValueError('still working!') self.jobq.put(('task', task.worker_version())) self.cores = task.cores self.callback = task.callback
[docs] def update_sleep_delay(self, delay: float): """Tells the worker to poll for jobs with the given inter-poll delay""" self.jobq.put(('change_sleep_delay', delay)) self.sleep_delay = delay
[docs] def is_ready(self) -> bool: """Checks to see if the worker is ready to get a new task. """ if not self.cores: return True try: self.ackq.get_nowait() self.cores = None if self.callback is not None: self.callback() self.callback = None return True except Empty: return False
[docs] def close(self): """Shuts down the worker""" self.jobq.put(('shutdown',)) self.process.join() self.is_ready() # try to ensure callbacks handled self.jobq.close() self.ackq.close() self.process = None self.jobq = None self.ackq = None
def _dispatcher(imps, jobq, ackq, sleep_delay): for imp in imps: importlib.import_module(imp) if os.path.exists('logging-worker.conf'): logging.config.fileConfig('logging-worker.conf') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) jobq = ZeroMQQueue.deser(jobq) ackq = ZeroMQQueue.deser(ackq) while True: try: job = jobq.get_nowait() except Empty: time.sleep(sleep_delay) continue if job[0] == 'shutdown': break if job[0] == 'change_sleep_delay': sleep_delay = job[1] continue task = job[1] try: mod = importlib.import_module(task.module) tocall = getattr(mod, task.attrname) tocall(*task.args, **task.kwargs) except: # noqa: E722 traceback.print_exc() logger.exception('Dispatcher encountered an error') ackq.put('ack') jobq.close() ackq.close()
[docs]def dispatch(tasks: typing.Union[TaskQueue, typing.Iterable[Task]], total_cores: int, suggested_imports: typing.Tuple[str] = tuple(), wait_function: typing.Callable = None) -> None: """Dispatches the given tasks using greedy selection such that no more than the specified number of cores are in use at once, where possible to do so. This uses a greedy selection of tasks. :param tasks: an iterable of tasks to dispatch, or a task queue. May be modified, but the logging may be incorrect if modified outside of the wait function. :param total_cores: the target number of cores to use at once :param suggested_imports: things which are imported in each worker process during the spawning phase, which causes jobs to be processed more smoothly. :param wait_function: if not None, this will be invoked when the dispatcher is idling. Expected to be fairly fast, and it is safe to modify tasks within this call. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not isinstance(tasks, TaskQueue): que: TaskQueue = GreedyTaskQueue(total_cores) que.add_tasks(tasks) tasks = que del que ntasks = len(tasks) if total_cores <= 1: last_print = time.time() skips = 0 i = 0 while tasks.have_more_tasks(): old_len = len(tasks) task = tasks.get_next_task(1) ntasks += len(tasks) - old_len if task is None: skips += 1 if skips > 1000: logger.warn( 'TaskQueue have_more_tasks is True but ' + 'get_next_task is has been None for a long time') skips = 0 if wait_function is not None: old_len = len(tasks) wait_function() ntasks += len(tasks) - old_len time.sleep(0.1) continue ntasks += 1 skips = 0 i += 1 mod = importlib.import_module(task.module) tocall = getattr(mod, task.attrname) tocall(*task.args, **task.kwargs) if time.time() - last_print > 5: logger.debug(f'Finished task {i}/{ntasks}...') return processes: typing.List[MainToWorkerConnection] = [] for _ in range(total_cores): jobq = ZeroMQQueue.create_send() ackq = ZeroMQQueue.create_recieve() proc = mp.Process( target=_dispatcher, args=(suggested_imports, jobq.serd(), ackq.serd(), 0.01) ) proc.start() processes.append(MainToWorkerConnection(proc, jobq, ackq, 0.01)) tasks_dispatched = 0 last_printed_at = time.time() last_printed_tasks = 0 while tasks.have_more_tasks(): cores_in_use = 0 for proc in processes: if not proc.is_ready(): cores_in_use += proc.cores avail_cores = total_cores - cores_in_use old_len = len(tasks) task = tasks.get_next_task(avail_cores) ntasks += len(tasks) - old_len if task is None: for proc in processes: if (not proc.cores) and (proc.sleep_delay > 0.02): proc.update_sleep_delay(0.1) if (tasks_dispatched > last_printed_tasks and time.time() - last_printed_at > 5): logger.debug('Dispatched %s/%s tasks... (currently using %s/%s' + ' cores)', tasks_dispatched, ntasks, cores_in_use, total_cores) last_printed_tasks = tasks_dispatched last_printed_at = time.time() if wait_function is not None: old_len = len(tasks) wait_function() ntasks += len(tasks) - old_len time.sleep(0.1) continue ntasks += 1 proc_to_use = None for proc in processes: if not proc.cores: if proc_to_use is None or proc.sleep_delay < proc_to_use.sleep_delay: proc_to_use = proc if proc.sleep_delay < 0.02: break if proc_to_use.sleep_delay > 0.02: proc.update_sleep_delay(0.01) proc.send(task) tasks_dispatched += 1 cores_in_use += task.cores or total_cores for proc in processes: proc: MainToWorkerConnection proc.update_sleep_delay(0.1) cnt_rem = 0 for proc in processes: if not proc.is_ready(): cnt_rem += 1 if cnt_rem > 0: logger.debug('Waiting on %s remaining tasks...', cnt_rem) for proc in processes: proc.is_ready() proc.close()